Charity fund-raising auction July 5th, 2008 Uganda Reflex recently held a fund-raising auction which was a fantastic success. We started the evening off with some great food cooked by our special in house chef (Liz Turpin), after which we had a video showing the recent trip to Uganda made by a small group from the UK. The video outlined the main projects that Uganda Reflex is involved with supporting and showed some of the people giving first hand testimonies about their lives and how they'd been helped by the charity, there were also a couple of heart felt responses from individuals from the UK team. This was followed by a raffle (prizes ranging from a set of hub caps (wahoo!) to a flight for three people in an airplane to a destination of their choice!! The second part of the evening was the auction itself, which was kicked off by some serious bidding and with some very interesting auction items prizes which were offered by the people attending. Some people auctioned their 'time', we had a film writer who let us auction a copy of her film and film poster, someone auctioned a BBQ for six people at their house, and an artist auctioned a special one-off sculpture commission. The greatest prize of the evening however being that we were able to raise nearly 1000 pounds for Uganda Reflex! We are grateful to everyone who contributed to make the evening a success and above all such fun. Thank you. |
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You may also be Uganda Reflex is a registered charity in England, number 1114929 |